Curriculum Conversion and Mapping

Providing services for converting, migrating and mapping the curriculum documents and specifications, whether you are a K-12 or Higher-Ed institution, we help you transform from your original (Word/Excel) format into SwiftAssess’s compliant format and structure.

Curriculum Conversion and Mapping for K-12

Curriculum agnostic feature and supporting different k-12 curriculum structures such as common core, IGCSE, IB or custom curriculum.

Validation and Verification

Validation and Verification

Validation and Verification by our experts process to make sure that all the data for the following steps are ready before migration starts

Mapping Grades, Subjects and Outcomes

Mapping Grades, Subjects and Outcomes

Includes mapping grades, subjects, taxonomy levels, lessons related and common courses

Assessment Policies and Activities

Assessment Policies and Activities

Mapping Assessments Policy plan items, activities such as Exams and quizzes, questions bank teacher-specific scope, questions bank school scope. In addition to centralized/decentralized assessments mapping

Curriculum Conversion and Mapping for Higher Education

Working with curriculum teams in universities and colleges to migrate and convert Programs, Courses, Program learning outcomes, and courses expected learning outcomes

Data Capturing and Validation

  1. Receiving Excel/Word curriculum documents from College stakeholders
  2. Reviewing and mapping data provided to SwiftAssess’s structure
  3. Migrating data from its original format to SwiftAssess’s compatible formats
  4. Data entry/Data import of converted curriculum documents
  5. Data revision and verification after successful entry/importing

Programs, Courses and Outcomes

  1. All programs and their levels/types respectively
  2. All courses under all programs respectively
  3. All course-related outcomes breakdown (as agreed on and mapped initially) and their linking to Taxonomy levels, Mastery levels, and Weights
  4. All course lessons and their related outcomes (if this level of data exists)
  5. Mapping Common Courses across different programs
  6. Mapping Programs to the Colleges offering them

Assessment Policy Items

  1. All policies under a specific subject including their activities marks distribution, and constraints if any.
  2. Scope of access to the question bank and assessments per campus/area to determine whether collaborative authoring should take place across campuses, within campus or faculty-access only.
  3. Configuring assessment policies by centralized or decentralized schemes to determine which one’s Faculty wide access will take place on (Formative, Quizzes, Continuous etc…) and which are Summative and has restrictive access to course-coordinators and exam-committees only

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