Get the Best Hosting Services
SwiftAssess offers a wide range of hosting services tailored to meet your specific requirements and policies.
Our options include Cloud hosting, On-Premise hosting, and Hybrid hosting, ensuring you find the perfect solution for your needs.
SwiftAssess On Cloud
Cloud technologies have several advantages when compared to traditional dedicated server resources, it offers flexibility, scalability, allowing your business to scale up or down to meet demand instantly.
We offer Cloud hosting through Microsoft Azure, whether through our own SaaS hosting or on your own Azure tenant.
On-Premise Hosting
Don’t have cloud hosting integration? We can offer local ‘On-premise’ hosting which is limited to clients who meet specific criteria for that.
It will give you the control over your security locally, but it will require more knowledge, resources, effort and cost.
Hybrid Hosting
We have another mode of hosting which basically means the client have the DB on-premise and the rest of the application core and engine etc. is on cloud, giving them the ease of mind and the flexibility of managing resources with their privacy and security criteria fulfilled.
Why use Microsoft Azure?
Azure is the only consistent hybrid cloud, providing unmatched developer productivity, robust security, and extensive compliance at a lower cost
Delivers superior data security
Quick and easy software deployment
Easy software customization
No upfront or setups costs
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