The meteoritic rise of virtual classrooms and assessments at all levels of education has made students and teachers navigate new technologies and learning formats. Preserving assessment integrity in a remote environment however, is a critical aspect to safeguarding exam content; enhance learning and maintaining accreditation status. For running secure digital assessment sessions for remote test takers, The AI Proctor give an additional layer or test security by capturing possible cheating events. SwiftAssess is a comprehensive assessment management platform that helps organizations with modern and AI proctoring in many ways:
Photo ID & verification
Entering the exam session using the student’s photo ID to verify it’s the same student attempting the test.
Camera & microphone access
The system accesses both the camera and microphone for proctoring.
Taking a session by the student
Every test session will be computer-vision and AI Proctor enabled which allows the system to detect prohibited events.
Video recording & forensic reports
Reports and analytics will be generated for each AI Proctored test to give more details about the events occurred in the test.
Benefits of enabling AI proctoring technology
- Capture Cheating Event
- Scalable and Flexible
- Powered by AI
- Detailed Forensic Analysis
- Extendible by Design
- Customized Actions
SwiftAssess delivery is available on all devices, so you can bring your own device (BYOD) and perform the tasks you want. The assessment management platform is available on web applications for Windows, Chromebook, MacBook devices, respectively. It also works on all the standard web browsers such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.