Online Proctoring Becoming the Future of K-12 and Higher Ed Assessments

In the modern era of digital examinations, ensuring that candidates are not using any unfair practices is a great challenge. Traditional exams have in-person invigilators in the examination hall who check the candidates. However, proctoring during digital examinations seems difficult. Thanks to technological breakthroughs, online proctoring has become easier and much more effective

Online proctoring involves artificial intelligence, real-time audio/video streaming of candidates, and various other authentication & integration methods to achieve the goal of secure examinations. In addition, online proctors continuously monitor the candidates during the online examination to confirm a fair exam delivery while ensuring the integrity and sanctity of exams.

Key Attributes of Online Proctoring


The first and foremost responsibility of an online proctor is to check that the right candidate is appearing for the online examination and not some proxy. This is possible by enabling AI-based facial recognition and OCR to authenticate the candidate before the exam automatically.


During the exam, the secure browser checks any unwanted activity performed by the candidate. Such activities include opening any other tabs, downloading, and switching windows. The secure browser is then able to immediately block these actions. Furthermore, the remote proctor monitors the candidates through live video and audio streaming and AI-based facial recognition. Whenever an anomaly is detected, the remote proctor provides alerts.


A comprehensive report of online proctoring provides the necessary evidence to prevent unfairness. Analytics gathered during the exam can also automatically find which candidate generated a higher number of alerts. The video and audio playbacks can be effectively used to validate these occurrences.

How online is proctoring carried out?

Online proctoring facilitates the process of digital examination in three ways:

Before the exam

  • Auto check

  • Facial detection

  • Audio analytics

During the exam

  • Live audio and video streaming

  • AI proctor

  • Live chat

  • Fake feed detection

  • Blocking desktop sharing

  • Automated warnings

After the exam

  • Customizable reports

  • Video recordings

How does online remote proctoring benefits institutions?

  • Flexibility

  • Transparent process

  • Intelligent and concise reports

  • Enhanced data security

  • No location constraints

Get Access to SwiftAssess to Enable Online Remote Proctoring

Online proctoring of digital exams is the future. The AI Proctor gives an additional layer of test security by capturing possible cheating events. From photo identification to video recordings and report generation, institutions do not need additional human proctors to be available and monitor different sessions. From capturing and highlighting events to searching video feeds and clips, the online proctor has it all.